
Govdelivery5 days 15 hours ago

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Congratulations to the following students:  Madison Jimena Quintanilli Alberto - 2nd grade, Melvin Garcia Alfaro - 4th grade, Meving (Yocimar Galo Aquino - 2nd grade,  Allison Almendarez Mejia - 4th grade, Daphne Fernandez Alvarez,  Fatima Barrera - 1st grade, Nazareth Cardenas - 6th grade, Daniel Huarachi Claure - 4th grade, Arlet Castillo Cortez - 2nd grade, Samara Diaz - 2nd grade, Cattleya Gach - 1st grade, Andy Guifarro Gomez - 3rd grade, , Emma Jones - 2nd grade, Ina Jude - 3rd grade, Precious Kplako - 5th grade, Scarlett Lopez Merino - Kindergarten, Irfa Nafees - 1st grade, Genesis Monterroso Pineda - 3rd grade, Yareli Maravilla Pineda - Kindergarten, Miguel Mafua Sao - 6th grade, Brithany Martinez Serrano - 5th grade, Asher Staley - Kindergarten, Carter Stebbins - 3rd grade, and Haniya Tasneem - 1st grade who received the Student of the Month Award for demonstrating trustworthiness through their actions, words, and overall behavior towards others.           

Mark your calendars for this year’s  ‘Dino-mite’ bookfair’!  It will be held from March 10-14th.  Students will shop during their library time. There will be a family shopping night on Thursday, March 14, 2025 from 5:00-7:00.  We would love your help making the bookfair a successful fundraiser.  Please sign-up to help decorate,  set-up, assist students, and break down the fair.  😊

Spring Picture Day at WHES


As a friendly reminder, pictures may be purchased by using the Online Code: FM449675.


Student Fasting Meal Kits

Student Fasting Meal Kits for March 3 - March 28, 2025

The Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) and FCPS will be offering meal kits for students who are fasting February 28 to March 28, 2025!  The school meal kits will provide a healthy meal that includes protein, fruits, vegetables, milk, and whole grains.  Students may only pick up the kits if they do not eat at school that day.  If you would like your child(ren) to receive the meal kits, you must submit a request each week by filling out the form on the FCPS FNS website by the deadlines:

  • MONDAY, March 10, 2025, for the week of March 17, 2025
  • MONDAY, March 17, 2025, for the week of March 24, 2025

Forms must be submitted on time to receive meal kits for the following week.  Please make sure you use the right form for each week. Contact the Office of Food and Nutrition Services with any questions: [email protected]. Food and Nutrition Services phone: 703-813-4800.


Keeping Our Students Safe In the Gym

Please be sure the you child has the proper footwear for gym class and playground activities for their safety and comfort. Athletic shoes with non-slip soles and laces or velcro with closed toes is best to avoid trips and falls. You child has recess each day for 30 minutes and physical education twice a week for 30 minutes. Please check with the classroom teacher if you have any additional questions about your child’s classroom schedule.

VDH Immunization Packets for Rising 7th Graders

As required by the Code of Virginia, parents or legal guardians need to provide proof of immunizations for their child to attend public school. All students entering seventh grade are required to receive one dose of each of the following immunizations: 

  • Tetanus, Diphtheria and Pertussis booster (Tdap) given at age 7 or older.
  • Meningococcal vaccine (MenACWY) given at age 10 or older.
  • A complete series of 2 doses of Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine. 
  • After reviewing educational materials approved by the Board of Health, the parent or guardian, at the parents/guardians sole discretion, may elect for the child not to receive the HPV vaccine.

Parents/guardians are encouraged to plan ahead by scheduling an appointment with their child’s health care provider now to avoid the rush this summer. If your child does not have a health care provider, please visit the FCPS Immunizations Resource page to find out where to get an immunization.

Please review the Virginia Department of Health Information Packet for more information on rising 7th grade immunization requirements. 

Supporting Academic Growth and Reading on Level by Third Grade

The FCPS Fiscal Year (FY) 2026 Advertised Budget invests in academic growth and excellence for each and every student, which is one of the priorities of the FCPS Strategic Plan

Across FCPS, teachers, staff, parents, and even older students are invested in helping our youngest learners grow their love of reading from a strong foundation. 

The goal is for students to move from “learning to read” to “reading to learn” by the end of the third grade. Reading on grade level is connected to other Strategic Plan goals, including completing advanced coursework and graduating on time. 

Last fall, FCPS introduced a new reading curriculum that aligns with evidence-based literacy instruction. Between fall and winter, reading screener results show more than a 4% increase in the number of students in kindergarten to third grade approaching or meeting expectations. Similarly, 3.4% more third graders demonstrate strong foundations of reading and 8.4% more third graders are mastering grade-level standards. 

Discover how an elementary school employs a science-based approach, including phonics, to supercharge students' reading.

Learn more about the FCPS FY 2026 Advertised Budget. View the Budget Development Calendar to stay up to date.

Connect With Your Kids: Simple Steps to Stronger Communication

Teens skip things that don't interest them, including lectures from their parents. How do you connect with your children and really know what's going on in their lives? How can you become “unskippable”?

Effective communication can build trust and understanding, but it takes thought, planning, and effort. 

The latest Healthy Minds Blog offers practical strategies to improve communication and build strong, lasting relationships:

  • Ditch distractions and create a safe space where your child feels comfortable opening up.
  • Listen actively and validate their feelings, even if you don't agree.
  • Ask "how" questions instead of "what" questions to get them talking about their experiences.

For more tips and techniques, read the full article on the Healthy Minds Blog, which shares information related to youth mental health and wellness.

For support on talking with your teen about difficult subjects like fentanyl, discover how to Become Unskippable.

Prepare for a Summer of Learning and Fun

Registration will be available soon for summer camps offered by Fairfax County Public Schools for all students. Career and Technical Education (CTE) camps and Institute for the Arts (IFTA) camps will be held in July at Lake Braddock Secondary School from 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Bus transportation will be available from select FCPS middle and high schools. Registration begins for these programs on Monday, March 10, and ends Friday, June 6.

Tech Adventure Camp (TAC) is a week-long exploratory camp designed to allow current K-5 students to explore activities in STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts, and math), culinary arts, health, trades, and business and marketing areas. Watch this video about CTE camps.

E-IFTA is a weekly arts camp for students in grades 2-5 who love to sing, dance, act, perform, make, and create. Students take part in four daily classes related to dance, music, theater, and visual art. They work with FCPS fine arts teachers who create fun and engaging classes. 

For more information, see the Summer Learning page.

Developing a Strong Academic Foundation, Curiosity, and Joy for Learning

The FCPS Fiscal Year (FY) 2026 Advertised Budget invests in academic growth and excellence for each and every student, which is one of the priorities of the FCPS Strategic Plan

A strong start for every student is Goal 1 of the Strategic Plan. Pre-K classrooms are making a difference in our community. In this video, we explore the importance of bringing children under the age of five together, regardless of abilities.

Learn more about the FCPS FY 2026 Advertised Budget. View the Budget Development Calendar to stay up to date and learn about opportunities to provide feedback to Fairfax County and FCPS.

💬 Share Your Input on the County Budget

The Fairfax County government presented its Fiscal Year 2026 Advertised Budget Plan to the Board of Supervisors on February 18. The community is invited to share feedback through an online survey, email, phone calls, or by attending Budget Town Hall meetings


Desarrollando una Fundación Académica Sólida, Curiosidad y Alegría por el Aprendizaje

El Presupuesto anunciado para el Año Fiscal (AF) 2026 de FCPS invierte en crecimiento académico y excelencia para todos y cada uno de los estudiantes, lo cual es una de las prioridades del Plan Estratégico de FCPS. Un buen comienzo para todos los estudiantes es el Objetivo 1 del Plan Estratégico. Las clases de preescolar marcan la diferencia en nuestra comunidad. En este vídeo, exploramos la importancia de reunir a los niños menores de cinco años, sin importar sus capacidades.

💬 Comparta su opinión sobre el presupuesto del condado

El gobierno del Condado de Fairfax presentó su Plan del Presupuesto Anunciado para el Año Fiscal 2026 a la Junta de Supervisores el 18 de febrero. La comunidad está invitada a compartir sus comentarios a través de una encuesta en línea, correo electrónico, llamadas telefónicas o asistir a las reuniones del Ayuntamiento del Presupuesto. 

Early Childhood Programs

Give Your Kids a Strong Start: Apply for Early Childhood Education Programs 

FCPS Pre-K and Early Head Start programs provide a high-quality early learning experience for qualifying children with economic and educational risk factors ages 6 weeks to 4 years living in Fairfax County. 

Pre-K prioritizes 4-year-old applicants but also accepts applications for children 3 years old by September 30. Early Head Start is located at three elementary schools — Clearview, Crestwood, and Dogwood — and accepts applications from expectant mothers and for children 6 weeks to 2 years old.

Families are encouraged to apply as soon as possible, however, space is limited and provided based on need, not “first come, first serve.” Applications are accepted online, by email, by postal mail, or in person at our office at 7423 Camp Alger Avenue, Falls Church, Virginia 22042.  

If you have a question about the application process or status, please call 703-208-7900 (English) or 703-208-7901.


Ayude a sus hijos a tener un gran comienzo: Presente su solicitud para los programas de educación de la primera infancia Los programas de prekínder y Early Head Start de FCPS ofrecen una experiencia de aprendizaje temprano de alta calidad para niños con factores de riesgo económico y educativo que reúnan los requisitos y que tengan entre 6 semanas y 4 años y vivan en el condado de Fairfax. 

El programa de prekínder da prioridad a los niños de 4 años, pero también acepta solicitudes de niños de 3 años cumplidos antes del 30 de septiembre.

El programa Early Head Start se encuentra en tres escuelas primarias —Clearview, Crestwood, y Dogwood— y acepta solicitudes de mujeres embarazadas y para niños de 6 semanas hasta 2 años.

Se anima a las familias a presentar sus solicitudes lo antes posible; sin embargo, el espacio es limitado y se ofrecen en función de la necesidad y no «por orden de llegada». 

Se aceptan solicitudes por línea, correo electrónico, correo postal o en persona en nuestra oficina ubicada en 7423 Camp Alger Avenue, Falls Church, Virginia 22042.  

Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre el proceso o el estado de la solicitud, llame al 703-208-7900 (inglés) o al 703-208-7901.

All are invited to attend the upcoming PTA Meeting that will be held on Wednesday, March 19, 2025 at 7:30 p.m..  Our Guidance Counselors and Social Workers will provide information on resources and programs that are available at Woodley Hills ES and Fairfax County Public Schools.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 983 9928 2222

Passcode: 888345

Dial by your location

 +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)

  Passcode: 888345

Upcoming Events:

March 10: Early Release Monday - School is out at 12:30 p.m.

March 17: Spring Picture Day

March 21: 1st Grade Character Assembly        9:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.

March 28: 6th Grade All County Chorus Field Trip

March 29: 6th Grade All County Chorus at Mt. Vernon High School

March 31: Religious Holiday

8718 Old Mount Vernon Road, Alexandria, VA 22309  | Main Office: 703-799-2000
Attendance: 703-799-2020 | Web | Twitter


Govdelivery1 week 5 days ago

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Join us in celebrating National School Social Worker Appreciation Week! Our school social workers, Ms. Kendall McFarland and Ms. Sally Rahnama, are invaluable members of our educational team, providing essential support and resources to students and families. They address a wide range of needs, from academic and social-emotional challenges to mental health concerns and family crises. They are advocates, counselors, and liaisons, working tirelessly to ensure every student can succeed. Let's take this week to recognize the dedication and the positive impact that Ms. McFarland and Ms. Rahnama have on our school community. A special thank you to our amazing School Social Workers!

Student Fasting Meal Kits

Student Fasting Meal Kits for March 3 - March 28, 2025

The Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) and FCPS will be offering meal kits for students who are fasting February 28 to March 28, 2025!  The school meal kits will provide a healthy meal that includes protein, fruits, vegetables, milk, and whole grains.  Students may only pick up the kits if they do not eat at school that day.  If you would like your child(ren) to receive the meal kits, you must submit a request each week by filling out the form on the FCPS FNS website by the deadlines:


  • MONDAY, March 3, 2025, for the week of March 10, 2025
  • MONDAY, March 10, 2025, for the week of March 17, 2025
  • MONDAY, March 17, 2025, for the week of March 24, 2025

Forms must be submitted on time to receive meal kits for the following week.  Please make sure you use the right form for each week. Contact the Office of Food and Nutrition Services with any questions: [email protected]. Food and Nutrition Services phone: 703-813-4800.

Mark your calendars for this year’s  ‘Dino-mite’ bookfair’!  It will be held from March 10-14th.  Students will shop during their library time. There will be a family shopping night on Thursday March 14 from 5:00-7:00.  We would love your help making the bookfair a successful fundraiser.  Please sign-up to help decorate,  set-up, assist students, and break down the fair.  😊


Youth Art Month is a celebration of the visual arts that happens every year in March!

Youth Art Month encourages support for quality school art programs and promotes art material safety. The goals of Youth Art Month includes:

  • Highlight the importance of art education
  • Increase community support for art education
  • Promote art material safety
  • Encourage support for quality school art programs
  • Recognize art education as a vital part of a student's education

Youth Art Month also promotes art activities such as Student exhibitions, Public art works, Art festivals, School events, Art exhibits, Workshops, and Contests.


Dual Language Immersion Lottery Registration

Current pre-K students may apply for the kindergarten immersion program through Thursday, March 6, at 4 p.m.  

Dual Language Immersion is available in French, German, Japanese, Korean, and Spanish. 

Interested parents/caregivers may attend an informational meeting at the school site. Visit the Dual Language Immersion Program registration page for a list of meetings by language offered

Get more details on the DLI Program webpage.

VDH Immunization Packets for Rising 7th Graders

As required by the Code of Virginia, parents or legal guardians need to provide proof of immunizations for their child to attend public school. All students entering seventh grade are required to receive one dose of each of the following immunizations: 

  • Tetanus, Diphtheria and Pertussis booster (Tdap) given at age 7 or older.
  • Meningococcal vaccine (MenACWY) given at age 10 or older.
  • A complete series of 2 doses of Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine. 
  • After reviewing educational materials approved by the Board of Health, the parent or guardian, at the parents/guardians sole discretion, may elect for the child not to receive the HPV vaccine.

Parents/guardians are encouraged to plan ahead by scheduling an appointment with their child’s health care provider now to avoid the rush this summer. If your child does not have a health care provider, please visit the FCPS Immunizations Resource page to find out where to get an immunization.

Please review the Virginia Department of Health Information Packet for more information on rising 7th grade immunization requirements. 

Learn About Science, Technology, and Arts Magnet Schools

Three FCPS elementary magnet schools — Hunters Woods, Bailey’s Primary, and Bailey’s Upper — provide enhanced learning programs in science, technology, and performing arts. 

Registration for the 2025-26 elementary magnet lottery is open Tuesday, March 4, through Friday, April 4. Learn more about the programs on the Elementary Magnet Schools page and information on the magnet lottery on our Registration page.

All are invited to attend the upcoming PTA Meeting that will be held on Wednesday, March 19, 2025 at 7:30 p.m..  Our Guidance Counselors and Social Workers will provide information on resources and programs that are available at Woodley Hills ES and Fairfax County Public Schools.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 983 9928 2222

Passcode: 888345

Dial by your location

 +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)

  Passcode: 888345

Upcoming Events:

February 28: Ramadan Begins

March 2-8: National School Social Work Week

March 6: 4th Grade Field Trip to Jamestown

March 10: Early Release Monday - School is out at 12:30 p.m.

March 17: Spring Picture Day

March 21: 1st Grade Character Assembly        9:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.

March 28: 6th Grade All County Chorus Field Trip

March 29: 6th Grade All County Chorus at Mt. Vernon High School

March 31: Religious Holiday

8718 Old Mount Vernon Road, Alexandria, VA 22309  | Main Office: 703-799-2000
Attendance: 703-799-2020 | Web | Twitter


Govdelivery3 weeks 2 days ago

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Our students are enjoying working in small group settings.  

Safety for our Woodley Hills Students and Community

To ensure the safety of our Woodley Hills students and community, we kindly remind parents of the following of proper drop-off and pick-up procedures at our school:

  • Double Parking: Please refrain from double parking in the street or in the fire lane. This creates a safety hazard for our students, other drivers, and emergency vehicles.
  • Kiss & Ride: We strongly encourage you to utilize the Kiss & Ride Lane whenever possible. This helps to ensure a smooth and efficient flow of traffic and minimizes disruptions to the school day.

Your cooperation in following these guidelines is greatly appreciated.


Para garantizar la seguridad de nuestros estudiantes y la comunidad de Woodley Hills, les recordamos amablemente a los padres los siguientes procedimientos adecuados para dejar y recoger a los niños en nuestra escuela:

  • Estacionamiento en doble fila: Por favor, absténgase de estacionar en doble fila en la calle o en el carril de incendios. Esto crea un peligro de seguridad para nuestros estudiantes, otros conductores y vehículos de emergencia.
  • Kiss & Ride: Le recomendamos encarecidamente que utilice el carril Kiss & Ride siempre que sea posible. Esto ayuda a garantizar un flujo de tráfico fluido y eficiente y minimiza las interrupciones en la jornada escolar.

Su cooperación en el seguimiento de estas pautas es muy apreciada.

Dual Language Immersion Lottery Registration

Countywide lottery registration for the Dual Language Immersion (DLI) program for first graders in the 2025-26 school year is open through Thursday, February 13, at 4 p.m. Current pre-K students may apply for the kindergarten immersion program through Thursday, March 6, at 4 p.m.  

Dual Language Immersion is available in French, German, Japanese, Korean, and Spanish. 

Interested parents/caregivers may attend an informational meeting at the school site. Visit the Dual Language Immersion Program registration page for a list of meetings by language offered

Get more details on the DLI Program webpage.


Make Sure Your Children Are Up-to-Date on Immunizations

Please make sure your child has all of their necessary immunizations. Remember, all students are required to be immunized against certain diseases to attend school in Virginia. This is an important part of keeping children healthy!

Starting Monday, May 19, students who have not provided proof of immunization may not be allowed to attend school. You can check your child’s immunization status and submit updated immunization information by accessing SIS ParentVUE

Please check with your healthcare provider to make sure your child is up to date on required immunizations for the 2024-25 school year. If your child needs an immunization, make an appointment with your healthcare provider, visit the Fairfax County Health Department website for a list of child immunization clinics, or view other Immunization Resources. Be wise and immunize!

Keep Your Child Warm During Outdoor Activities

Winter weather is here! As a reminder, please make sure your child is dressed appropriately with a warm coat and other cold-weather clothing, so they can comfortably enjoy time outdoors. Schools monitor the weather for low temperatures, wind chill advisories and warnings, and weather advisories that may prevent children from being outside for activities like recess or physical education.

View Fairfax County’s Winter Weather/Extreme Cold safety tips

If you need assistance getting cold-weather clothing for your family, please contact our family liaison, Ms. Carmen Quesada, at [email protected]. You may also contact Fairfax County Coordinated Services Planning (CSP) at 703-222-0880. Their multilingual staff can assist with any challenges you are facing, including food, shelter, employment, financial assistance, and health care. 

Mantén a su hijo abrigado durante las actividades al aire libre

¡El tiempo invernal ya está aquí! Como recordatorio, por favor asegúrese de que su hijo está vestido apropiadamente con un abrigo y otra ropa de clima frío, para que puedan disfrutar cómodamente del tiempo al aire libre. Las escuelas vigilan el tiempo para ver si hay bajas temperaturas, avisos y advertencias de sensación térmica y otros avisos meteorológicos que puedan impedir que los niños estén fuera para actividades como el recreo o la educación física.

Consulte los consejos de seguridad del condado de Fairfax sobre e l clima invernal y el frío extremo.

Si necesita ayuda para conseguir ropa para el frío para su familia, póngase en contacto Ms. Carmen Quesada, at [email protected]. También puede ponerse en contacto con el Condado de Fairfax Servicios de Planificación Coordinada (CSP) al 703-222-0880. Su personal multilingüe puede ayudarle con cualquier problema al que se enfrente, como la alimentación, l alojamiento, el empleo, la asistencia financiera y la atención de salud

Online Family Education Opportunities

The Family Resource Center is available for a personalized confidential consultation if you would like more support.  Contact them at 703-204-3941 or email them at [email protected] for an appointment.


  • 5 Ways to De-Escalate a Nuclear Meltdown & Stop the Shame Cycle: A Webinar for Families

The Fairfax County Family Resource Center hosted a training on 5 Ways to De-Escalate a Nuclear Meltdown & Stop the Shame Cycle. We hope you will take the opportunity to watch the recording and share it if you know someone who might find it helpful.

The recording link:

  •  Starting the Conversation About Drugs: A Webinar for Families

The Fairfax County Family Resource Center hosted a training on Starting the Conversation About Drugs: A Webinar for Families. We hope you will take the opportunity to watch the recording and share it if you know someone who might find it helpful.

The recording link:

  • Protecting Kids Against Digital Exploitation: Keeping Kids Safe

The Fairfax County Family Resource Center hosted a training on Protecting Kids Against Digital Exploitation: Keeping Kids Safe. We hope you will take the opportunity to watch the recording and share it if you know someone who might find it helpful.

The recording link:

  • Help! My Kid Won't Go To School!

The Fairfax County Family Resource Center hosted a training on Help! My Kid Won’t Go To School. We hope you will take the opportunity to watch the recording and share it if you know someone who might find it helpful.

The recording link:   

Student Voices at Family Summit

Students Invited to Share Their Voices at the 2025 Family Summit

The 2025 FCPS Family Summit will take place on Saturday, March 15, at South Lakes High School. Visit the Family Summit webpage for more information. 

At the event, FCPS students are invited to showcase projects and advocacy efforts around inclusivity in schools. This is a great resume-building opportunity, and students can earn service hours as well. Students may share their work in a share-fair environment using posters, essays, videos, songs, or art. They will interact with attendees through conversations about their work, ideas, and efforts to foster inclusivity in school communities. 

Students must use this Google Form to participate by Monday, February 17. A list of possible projects is also on the form. More information will be provided after the student’s submission is received. Please contact Manuel Gomez Portillo with any questions. 

✨ Centering student voice is part of FCPS’ Strategic Plan Goal 2: Safe, Supported, Included, and Empowered. 

Black History Month Kick-Off Celebration


FCPS’ Chief Equity Office invites the community to an Inaugural Black History Month Kickoff Celebration on Wednesday, February 19, 5:30-7:30 p.m., at Carter G. Woodson High School.   

The event begins with a light reception followed by a formal program, From the Threads of Our Past to the Fabric of Our Future. The program will honor the enduring contributions of Black history and culture while envisioning a future rooted in equity and excellence. It will include inspiring performances, personal stories, reflections, and opportunities to connect and celebrate. The event is open to the entire community. 

For more information, contact Nina Thomas, senior manager for Professional Learning and Cultural Responsiveness.

Parenting an Anxious Child: Counterintuitive yet Evidence-Based Skills and Strategies February 21, 2025 1 - 2:30 p.m.

Join Dr. Jonathan Dalton, PhD, founder and director of the Center for Anxiety and Behavioral Change as he reviews the important differences between healthy and unhealthy anxiety with a focus on the role of avoidance in creating and maintaining anxiety disorders. We will discuss specific parenting techniques and approaches that families can begin using immediately to help reduce their children's experience of anxiety. 

Register here


SibShops February 22, 2025 10 - 1:00 p.m.

For children grades 2-6 enrolled in Fairfax County Public Schools.  An opportunity to meet other siblings in a relaxed setting.  Celebrate the many contributions made by brothers and sisters of children with special needs.  Share sibling experiences, while receiving peer support.  Enjoy games and have fun!

Sibshops: Located at Sully Community Center, 13800 Wall Road Herndon, Virginia

Register Here


Woodley Hills Caregiver Support Group

As a friendly reminder, the PTA meetings are held on  every third Wednesday of the month via Zoom at 7:30 PM.   We are excited to have principas from Mt. Vernon High School (Cary Dimmick) and Walt Whitman Middle School (John Flowers) attend this coming PTA meeting.  

All are invited to attend the upcoming PTA Meeting that will be held on Wednesday, February 19, 2025 at 7:30 p.m..



Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 983 9928 2222

Passcode: 888345

Dial by your location

 +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)

  Passcode: 888345

Fourth Grade Fundraiser Upcoming Events:

February 15: School Resource Officer Appreciation Day

February 17: School Closed (Washington's Birthday and President's Day)

February 20: 2nd Grade Character Assembly  2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.

February 22 - School Bus Driver Appreciation Day

February 28: Ramadan Begins

March 2-8: National School Social Work Week

March 6: 4th Grade Field Trip to Jamestown

March 10: Early Release Monday - School is out at 12:30 p.m.

March 13: Family Math Night 5:30 p.m.- 7:30 p.m.

March 21: 1st Grade Character Assembly        9:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.

March 24: Religious Holiday


FCPS Proposed Budget Progress

The Fairfax County School Board discussed the Fiscal Year (FY) 2026 Proposed Budget at their work session on February 4. They discussed details regarding student enrollment and investments in students requiring additional support, market comparison data for surrounding school divisions, and an update on progress toward achieving the Baldrige Award for Performance Excellence. Baldrige is a framework used to assess and improve organizational performance across various sectors, including education. 

The School Board also held a public hearing on the FY 2026 Proposed Budget on Tuesday, February 4, where they invited the community to share their feedback on the budget.

On Tuesday, February 18, the Fairfax County executive will present the county’s Advertised Budget, and the Fairfax County School Board will hold a work session on the FCPS FY 2026 Proposed Budget. View FCPS’ Budget Development Calendar.

Breaking Down the Budget

More than 85% of the budget is dedicated to instruction and reflects the needs of our community’s young people in response to the changing world around us. Budget priorities include providing competitive compensation for all employees, including a 7% salary increase for all staff. The majority of the budget increase is dedicated to that proposed 7% pay increase.  

Our families want their children in high-quality schools with the best teachers who provide rigorous academic experiences. We must provide competitive compensation to attract and retain our outstanding educators, administrators, and other school-based and operational staff dedicated to the success of our students. 

The proposed 7% salary increase would likely move FCPS to the highest starting salary for teachers with a master's degree among our neighboring counties and greatly improve our recruitment efforts amidst an ongoing teacher shortage. Visit the Budget webpage for more information. 

Learn About Science, Technology, and Arts Magnet Schools

Three FCPS elementary magnet schools — Hunters Woods, Bailey’s Primary, and Bailey’s Upper — provide enhanced learning programs in science, technology, and performing arts. 

Registration for the 2025-26 elementary magnet lottery is open Tuesday, March 4, through Friday, April 4. Learn more about the programs on the Elementary Magnet Schools page and information on the magnet lottery on our Registration page.


Local Community Food Resources

The information below is neither sponsored nor endorsed by the Fairfax County School Board, the Superintendent or Woodley Hills.

8718 Old Mount Vernon Road, Alexandria, VA 22309  | Main Office: 703-799-2000
Attendance: 703-799-2020 | Web | Twitter


Govdelivery1 month 2 weeks ago

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National Day of Reading: A Memorable Celebration

Last week, Woodley Hills students enjoyed a wonderful celebration of the National Day of Reading, highlighted by a special visit from members of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. The fraternity members read engaging and diverse stories that resonated with our students and celebrated the joy of reading. This event not only inspired a love of literacy but also strengthened our connection to the community. We extend our heartfelt thanks to the Kappas for their time and commitment to making this experience so meaningful for our students!

WHES Parent Engagement

WHES Parent Engagement Team will host a Parent Support Group for families who have children with special needs. The meeting will be held virtually through Google Meets on Wednesday, January 29, 2025, at 5:30 p.m. Join us here:

Safety for our Woodley Hills Students and Community

To ensure the safety of our Woodley Hills students and community, we kindly remind parents of the following of proper drop-off and pick-up procedures at our school:

  • Double Parking: Please refrain from double parking in the street or in the fire lane. This creates a safety hazard for our students, other drivers, and emergency vehicles.
  • Kiss & Ride: We strongly encourage you to utilize the Kiss & Ride Lane whenever possible. This helps to ensure a smooth and efficient flow of traffic and minimizes disruptions to the school day.

Your cooperation in following these guidelines is greatly appreciated.


Para garantizar la seguridad de nuestros estudiantes y la comunidad de Woodley Hills, les recordamos amablemente a los padres los siguientes procedimientos adecuados para dejar y recoger a los niños en nuestra escuela:

  • Estacionamiento en doble fila: Por favor, absténgase de estacionar en doble fila en la calle o en el carril de incendios. Esto crea un peligro de seguridad para nuestros estudiantes, otros conductores y vehículos de emergencia.
  • Kiss & Ride: Le recomendamos encarecidamente que utilice el carril Kiss & Ride siempre que sea posible. Esto ayuda a garantizar un flujo de tráfico fluido y eficiente y minimiza las interrupciones en la jornada escolar.

Su cooperación en el seguimiento de estas pautas es muy apreciada.


Keep Your Child Warm During Outdoor Activities

Winter weather is here! As a reminder, please make sure your child is dressed appropriately with a warm coat and other cold-weather clothing, so they can comfortably enjoy time outdoors. Schools monitor the weather for low temperatures, wind chill advisories and warnings, and weather advisories that may prevent children from being outside for activities like recess or physical education.

View Fairfax County’s Winter Weather/Extreme Cold safety tips

If you need assistance getting cold-weather clothing for your family, please contact our family liaison, Ms. Carmen Quesada, at [email protected]. You may also contact Fairfax County Coordinated Services Planning (CSP) at 703-222-0880. Their multilingual staff can assist with any challenges you are facing, including food, shelter, employment, financial assistance, and health care. 

Mantén a su hijo abrigado durante las actividades al aire libre

¡El tiempo invernal ya está aquí! Como recordatorio, por favor asegúrese de que su hijo está vestido apropiadamente con un abrigo y otra ropa de clima frío, para que puedan disfrutar cómodamente del tiempo al aire libre. Las escuelas vigilan el tiempo para ver si hay bajas temperaturas, avisos y advertencias de sensación térmica y otros avisos meteorológicos que puedan impedir que los niños estén fuera para actividades como el recreo o la educación física.

Consulte los consejos de seguridad del condado de Fairfax sobre e l clima invernal y el frío extremo.

Si necesita ayuda para conseguir ropa para el frío para su familia, póngase en contacto Ms. Carmen Quesada, at [email protected]. También puede ponerse en contacto con el Condado de Fairfax Servicios de Planificación Coordinada (CSP) al 703-222-0880. Su personal multilingüe puede ayudarle con cualquier problema al que se enfrente, como la alimentación, l alojamiento, el empleo, la asistencia financiera y la atención de salud

Online Family Education Opportunities

The Family Resource Center is available for a personalized confidential consultation if you would like more support.  Contact them at 703-204-3941 or email them at [email protected] for an appointment.


  • 5 Ways to De-Escalate a Nuclear Meltdown & Stop the Shame Cycle: A Webinar for Families

The Fairfax County Family Resource Center hosted a training on 5 Ways to De-Escalate a Nuclear Meltdown & Stop the Shame Cycle. We hope you will take the opportunity to watch the recording and share it if you know someone who might find it helpful.

The recording link:

  •  Starting the Conversation About Drugs: A Webinar for Families

The Fairfax County Family Resource Center hosted a training on Starting the Conversation About Drugs: A Webinar for Families. We hope you will take the opportunity to watch the recording and share it if you know someone who might find it helpful.

The recording link:

  • Protecting Kids Against Digital Exploitation: Keeping Kids Safe

The Fairfax County Family Resource Center hosted a training on Protecting Kids Against Digital Exploitation: Keeping Kids Safe. We hope you will take the opportunity to watch the recording and share it if you know someone who might find it helpful.

The recording link:

  • Help! My Kid Won't Go To School!

The Fairfax County Family Resource Center hosted a training on Help! My Kid Won’t Go To School. We hope you will take the opportunity to watch the recording and share it if you know someone who might find it helpful.

The recording link:   

Woodley Hills School Store Now Open Community Boundary Review Meetings

Comprehensive Boundary Review Update

If you did not get a chance to attend an in-person Community Boundary Review Meeting, please consider participating in a virtual meeting:

  • Tuesday, January 28, 2025, 6:30-8 p.m. 
  • Monday, February 10, 2025, 6:30-8 p.m. 

Language interpretation will be available. 

All virtual meetings will follow the same format as the in-person meetings that were recently held, and the same information will be shared. Please stay tuned for details on how to register. Visit FCPS’ Comprehensive Boundary Review webpage to learn more. Sign up for FCPS’ School Boundary Review newsletter as well.

The PTA meetings will be held every third Wednesday of the month via Zoom at 7:30 PM. This virtual format will allow for greater flexibility and accessibility for parents and guardians, regardless of location or scheduling limitations.

All are invited to attend the upcoming PTA Meeting that will be held on Wednesday, February 19, 2025 at 7:30 p.m..

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 983 9928 2222

Passcode: 888345

Dial by your location

 +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)

  Passcode: 888345

Upcoming Events:

January 28: End of the Quarter (No early release!)

January 29: School Closed (Teacher Workday)

February 7: Kindergarten Field Trip to the Mount Vernon Post Office 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.

February 10: Early Release Monday 12:30 p.m.

February 17: School Closed (Washington's Birthday and President's Day)

February 20: 2nd Grade Character Assembly    2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.

February 28: Ramadan Begins


Local Community Food Resources

The information below is neither sponsored nor endorsed by the Fairfax County School Board, the Superintendent or Woodley Hills.

8718 Old Mount Vernon Road, Alexandria, VA 22309  | Main Office: 703-799-2000
Attendance: 703-799-2020 | Web | Twitter


Govdelivery1 month 3 weeks ago

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It has been great to have our students back for a full week of school!  They transitioned back into the routines and have been engaged in their learning.  However, our oldest students and their teachers couldn't resist a little fun.

Please ensure your child/children are dressed for the weather as we continue to have recess and drills that require students to go outside. Layers, hats, and gloves are essential to keep kids comfortable and safe. Thank you for your cooperation.

School Closure

Please note that Monday, January 20, 2025, is both Martin Luther King Jr. Day and Inauguration Day, and therefore a federal holiday. School will be closed on this day. We encourage you to use this opportunity to reflect on the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., and to discuss the importance of civic engagement and democracy with your children.

Be Among the First to Hear About School Delays/Closings

Watch this video to see how FCPS makes weather closing decisions

FCPS’ website is generally the first place to find out about emergency weather closings. Other communication channels will be used as quickly as possible, including email, text, social media, and news stations. Learn more about how schedule changes are communicated.

Be among the first to hear about weather delays and closings! Update your contact information in SIS ParentVUE. Emails and text messages are sent to parents and caregivers based on the addresses and cell phone numbers entered on this platform. 

Keep Your Child Warm During Outdoor Activities

Keep Your Child Warm During Outdoor Activities

We will monitor the weather for low temperatures, wind chill advisories and warnings, and weather advisories which may prevent children from being outside. Make sure your child is dressed appropriately with a warm coat and other cold-weather clothing, so they can comfortably enjoy their time outdoors. See the National Weather Service’s tips on staying safe during cold weather.

If you need assistance supplying your child with cold-weather clothing, please call the office at 703-799-2000 or Fairfax County's Coordinated Services Planning at 703-222-0880. Their multilingual staff can assist with any challenges you are facing, including food, shelter, employment, financial assistance, and health care.


Mantenga a Su Hijo Bien Abrigado Durante las Actividades al Aire Libre Estaremos atentos a las bajas temperaturas, los avisos y advertencias de viento helado y los avisos meteorológicos que pueden impedir que los niños estén al aire libre. Sin embargo, asegúrese de que su hijo esté vestido apropiadamente con un abrigo y otra ropa de clima frío para que pueda disfrutar cómodamente de su tiempo al aire libre. El Servicio Meteorológico Nacional ofrece algunos consejos para mantenerse seguro durante el tiempo frío.

Si necesita ayuda para proveer a su hijo de ropa para el clima frío, por favor llame a la oficina de la escuela al 703-799-2000 (pregunte por Carmen Quesada, Enlace de Familia) Planificación de Servicios Coordinados del Condado de Fairfax al 703-222-0880. El personal multilingüe puede ayudarle con cualquier dificultad que se le presente, como la alimentación, el alojamiento, el empleo, la asistencia financiera, la atención sanitaria y otras necesidades.

National Mentoring Month


Celebrate with us throughout January as we work on making sure our young people in our communities have dependable people in their lives!  Success comes with learning!  Goals are so much attainable when there is a mentor who helps you accomplish your goals or vision.


Access Your Child's Grades Through SIS ParentVue

Gradebook Available Until End-of-Quarter

Based on community feedback from the first quarter closure, FCPS revisited the scheduled dates for closing the Gradebook and Report Card modules in the SIS ParentVUE and StudentVUE apps. 

Moving forward, the app will close in alignment with the actual quarter-end dates. This change will allow students and families to view their assignments and grades until the last day of the quarter. Gradebook will be closed for the second quarter from Tuesday, January 28, 4 p.m. to Tuesday, February 4, 6 a.m.

Access Your Child’s Grades Through SIS ParentVueLearn how your ParentVUE account allows you to easily access grade reports and other helpful information about your child. 

Online Family Education Opportunities

The Family Resource Center is available for a personalized confidential consultation if you would like more support.  Contact them at 703-204-3941 or email them at [email protected] for an appointment.


  • 5 Ways to De-Escalate a Nuclear Meltdown & Stop the Shame Cycle: A Webinar for Families

 The Fairfax County Family Resource Center hosted a training on 5 Ways to De-Escalate a Nuclear Meltdown & Stop the Shame Cycle. We hope you will take the opportunity to watch the recording and share it if you know someone who might find it helpful.

The recording link:

  •  Starting the Conversation About Drugs: A Webinar for Families

The Fairfax County Family Resource Center hosted a training on Starting the Conversation About Drugs: A Webinar for Families. We hope you will take the opportunity to watch the recording and share it if you know someone who might find it helpful.

The recording link:

  • Protecting Kids Against Digital Exploitation: Keeping Kids Safe

The Fairfax County Family Resource Center hosted a training on Protecting Kids Against Digital Exploitation: Keeping Kids Safe. We hope you will take the opportunity to watch the recording and share it if you know someone who might find it helpful.

The recording link:

  • Help! My Kid Won't Go To School!

The Fairfax County Family Resource Center hosted a training on Help! My Kid Won’t Go To School. We hope you will take the opportunity to watch the recording and share it if you know someone who might find it helpful.

The recording link:   

Cell Phone Policy

📵 Phones Down, Engagement Up: FCPS Cell Phone Policy

Keeping cell phones off during the school day helps students focus and learn. It also boosts positive social behavior. Review FCPS’ cell phone expectations by grade level with your child and help keep our classrooms free of distractions! If you need to reach your child during the school day, please call our main office (703) 799-2000 . 

WHES Parent Engagement Sessions
  1. Parent Coffee at WHES on Friday, January 24, 2025, from 10-11 a.m. We will provide coffee and snacks and will share community resources and explore topics families would like to discuss in the future. Please RSVP to [email protected] by Wednesday, January 22.
  2. Parent Support Group for families who have children with special needs. The first meeting will be held virtually through Google Meets on Wednesday, January 29, 2025, at 5:30 p.m. Join us here:

         We will decide the frequency of meetings based on family input. This                 group will be a safe space for parents to discuss their experiences and             challenges related to the needs of their children. We will also provide                 resources on community services and events.

Community Boundary Review Meetings

Comprehensive Boundary Review Update

The Superintendent’s Boundary Review Advisory Committee held its second meeting on December 16 at Gatehouse Administration Center. View key takeaways from that meeting and access the meeting agenda, slides, and other materials that committee members received.  If you did not get a chance to attend an in-person Community Boundary Review Meeting, please consider participating in a virtual meeting:

  • Saturday, January 25, 2025, 9:30-11 a.m. 
  • Monday, January 27, 2025, 6:30-8 p.m. 
  • Tuesday, January 28, 2025, 6:30-8 p.m. 
  • Monday, February 10, 2025, 6:30-8 p.m. 

Language interpretation will be available. 

All virtual meetings will follow the same format as the in-person meetings that were recently held, and the same information will be shared. Please stay tuned for details on how to register. Visit FCPS’ Comprehensive Boundary Review webpage to learn more. Sign up for FCPS’ School Boundary Review newsletter as well.

Family Resource Center Webinars and FCPS Family Academy

Free Webinars and Events for Families

In January, the Family Resource Center (FRC) will host webinars for families on:

Sign up for the FRC newsletter or visit their webinar webpage.

Upcoming Family Academy Events

You are an important part of your child's education! The FCPS Family Academy compiles classes, webinars, workshops, and programs offered by FCPS to help you support your child's needs and learning at home. Browse Family Academy offerings

The PTA meetings will be held every third Wednesday of the month via Zoom at 7:30 PM. This virtual format will allow for greater flexibility and accessibility for parents and guardians, regardless of location or scheduling limitations.

All are invited to attend the upcoming PTA Meeting that will be held on Wednesday, February 19, 2025 at 7:30 p.m..

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 983 9928 2222

Passcode: 888345

Dial by your location

 +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)

  Passcode: 888345

Upcoming Events:

January 20: School Closed (Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s Holiday/Inauguration Day)

January 23: AAP Screening

January 28: Family Literacy Night 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 pm.

January 28: End of the Quarter

January 29: School Closed (Teacher Workday)

January 30: 2nd Grade Character Assembly    2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.

February 7: Kindergarten Field Trip to the Mount Vernon Post Office 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.

February 10: Early Release Monday 12:30 p.m.

February 17: School Closed (Washington's Birthday and President's Day)

February 28: Ramadan Begins


Local Community Food Resources

The information below is neither sponsored nor endorsed by the Fairfax County School Board, the Superintendent or Woodley Hills.

8718 Old Mount Vernon Road, Alexandria, VA 22309  | Main Office: 703-799-2000
Attendance: 703-799-2020 | Web | Twitter


Govdelivery2 months 3 weeks ago

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Warm Wishes for a Wonderful Holiday Break!

Wishing you a joyous holiday season filled with warmth, love, and laughter. Thank you for your dedication and support throughout the year; may your time off be filled with cherished moments with loved ones.

We look forward to seeing you all refreshed and ready for new learning adventures on January 6, 2025!

Winter Concert


Our outstanding chorus and band had an amazing time performing for  students and parents this week.  We are proud of them!


Congratulations to all students who participated in the most improved student parade!  We are very proud of you! Keep up the great work!

Holiday Door Decorating

We are pleased to share some of the holiday door decorating where students participated.  

WHES Winter Break Reading Challenge

This winter, we’re inviting all students to cozy up with a book and take part in our Winter Break Reading Challenge! Encourage your child to complete the activity sheet(sent home by their teacher) and return it to the library upon return to school and they will earn a frosty surprise.  Whether it's snowy adventures, holiday tales, or winter mysteries, there’s a book for everyone! Let’s make this winter break a time for learning, imagination, and lots of reading fun. 

Be Among the First to Hear About School Delays/Closings

Watch this video to see how FCPS makes weather closing decisions

FCPS’ website is generally the first place to find out about emergency weather closings. Other communication channels will be used as quickly as possible, including email, text, social media, and news stations. Learn more about how schedule changes are communicated.

Be among the first to hear about weather delays and closings! Update your contact information in SIS ParentVUE. Emails and text messages are sent to parents and caregivers based on the addresses and cell phone numbers entered on this platform. 

Community Boundary Review Meetings

Comprehensive Boundary Review Update

The Superintendent’s Boundary Review Advisory Committee held its second meeting on December 16 at Gatehouse Administration Center. View key takeaways from that meeting and access the meeting agenda, slides, and other materials that committee members received.  If you did not get a chance to attend an in-person Community Boundary Review Meeting, please consider participating in a virtual meeting:

  • Friday, January 10, 2025, 6-7:30 p.m. 
  • Thursday, January 16, 2025, 1-2:30 p.m. 
  • Saturday, January 25, 2025, 9:30-11 a.m. 
  • Monday, January 27, 2025, 6:30-8 p.m. 
  • Tuesday, January 28, 2025, 6:30-8 p.m. 
  • Monday, February 10, 2025, 6:30-8 p.m. 

Language interpretation will be available. 

All virtual meetings will follow the same format as the in-person meetings that were recently held, and the same information will be shared. Please stay tuned for details on how to register. Visit FCPS’ Comprehensive Boundary Review webpage to learn more. Sign up for FCPS’ School Boundary Review newsletter as well.

Dual Language Immersion

Dual Language Immersion Lottery Registration

Registration for the countywide lottery for Dual Language Immersion (DLI) program will open on Monday, January 13, 2025. Current pre-K students may apply for the kindergarten immersion program, and current kindergarten students may apply for the first grade immersion program for the 2024-25 school year. 

Dual Language Immersion is available in French, German, Japanese, Korean, and Spanish. 

Parents/caregivers who are interested may want to attend an informational meeting. Meetings are held at the school site. Visit the Dual Language Immersion Program Registration page for a list of meetings by language offered

Get more information on the DLI Program webpage and DLI Program Registration webpage.


Inscripción en el Programa de Inmersión en Dos IdiomasLa inscripción para la lotería en todo el condado para los programas de Inmersión en Dos Idiomas (DLI) se abrirá el lunes 13 de enero. Los estudiantes actuales de pre-kínder pueden aplicar para el programa de inmersión de kínder, y los estudiantes actuales de kínder pueden aplicar para los programas de inmersión de primer grado para el año escolar 2024-25.

Los programas están disponibles en Francés, Alemán, Japonés, Coreano y Español. 

Los padres que estén interesados en los programas DLI en FCPS son invitados a asistir a una reunión informativa. Los detalles sobre el acceso a las reuniones virtuales estarán disponibles en la página de inscripción de Inmersión en Dos Idiomas para la fecha de la reunión.

Más información sobre los programas DLI y la inscripción.

Family Resource Center Webinars and FCPS Family Academy

Free Webinars and Events for Families

In January, the Family Resource Center (FRC) will host webinars for families on:

Sign up for the FRC newsletter or visit their webinar webpage.

Upcoming Family Academy Events

You are an important part of your child's education! The FCPS Family Academy compiles classes, webinars, workshops, and programs offered by FCPS to help you support your child's needs and learning at home. Browse Family Academy offerings

Fall School Pictures

As a friendly reminder, student pictures are still available for ordering by scanning the code below.

Sensory Disabilities

Services for Hearing-Impaired and Visually-Impaired Students

Students with sensory disabilities require specialized services and support to access instruction that is typically presented visually and auditorily (by means of hearing). FCPS provides educational services to students who are deaf, hearing-impaired, or visually impaired. They are supported in various settings, including at their school or through itinerant specialists who travel to different schools to work with students, rather than being based in a single school. Learn more about Services for Students Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing and Services for Students Who Are Blind or Visually Impaired.

Visit the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) website for Resources for Serving Students with Sensory Disabilities.


Servicios para estudiantes con discapacidad auditiva y visual

Los estudiantes con discapacidades sensoriales requieren servicios especializados y apoyo para acceder a la instrucción típicamente presentada visual y auditivamente. FCPS proporciona servicios educativos a estudiantes con discapacidades auditivas, visuales o auditivas. Ellos reciben apoyo en varios entornos, incluyendo itinerante y basado en el sitio escolar. Obtenga más información sobre estos Servicios para estudiantes sordos o con dificultades auditivas y Servicios para estudiantes ciegos o con discapacidad visual.

El Departamento de Educación de Virginia (VDOE) también proporciona información sobre Recursos para apoyar a los estudiantes con discapacidades sensoriales.

Opportunity to Review Social Studies Basal Resources

FCPS is adopting Social Studies Basal Resources for the 2025-26 school year. Basal resources are the primary materials used to support instruction in a given subject. Part of the process for selecting new resources is a public review of the instructional materials under consideration. Get more information on how to view the materials

All community feedback will be shared with the School Board before they vote to select materials in spring 2025. FCPS adopts basal resources by the process outlined in Regulation 3004.

All are invited to attend the upcoming PTA Meeting that will be held on Wednesday, January 8, 2025 at 7:30 p.m..

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 983 9928 2222

Passcode: 888345

Upcoming Events:

December 23 - January 3:  (Winter Break)

January 20: School Closed (Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s Holiday/Inauguration Day)

January 28: Family Literacy Night 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 pm.

January 28: End of the Quarter

January 29: School Closed (Teacher Workday)

January 30: 2nd Grade Character Assembly    2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.


Local Community Food Resources

The information below is neither sponsored nor endorsed by the Fairfax County School Board, the Superintendent or Woodley Hills.

8718 Old Mount Vernon Road, Alexandria, VA 22309  | Main Office: 703-799-2000
Attendance: 703-799-2020 | Web | Twitter


Govdelivery2 months 3 weeks ago

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English | Español | አማርኛ | 中文 | 한국어 | Tiếng Việt | العربية | فارسی | اردوEnglish | Español | አማርኛ | 中文 | 한국어 | Tiếng Việt | العربية | فارسی | اردو

Spirit Week December 16-20 Gratitude

Our students created a gratitude tree where they placed mittens to express for the things which they are thankful and appreciative.

Warm Wishes for a Wonderful Holiday Break!

Wishing you a joyous holiday season filled with warmth, love, and laughter. Thank you for your dedication and support throughout the year; may your time off be filled with cherished moments with loved ones.

We look forward to seeing you all refreshed and ready for new learning adventures on January 6, 2025!

School Success Starts with Good Attendance

Attending school regularly is a habit that leads to school success.  Set the expectation that your child should get to school on time every day.  The habit will carry through elementary, middle, and high school years and into adult life.  Below are some tips that can help your child have to a successful school year.

  • Help your child establish and maintain routines.
  • Ensure that your child gets enough sleep.
  • Send your child to school unless they are sick.
  • Schedule medical appointments outside of school hours.
  • Avoid long trips/vacations when school is in session.
  • Help your child set out clothes and backpacks the night before.
  • Check homework each night.
  • Develop a back-up for getting to school if your child misses the bus or you cannot provide transportation.


Fall School Pictures

As a friendly reminder, student pictures are still available for ordering by scanning the code below.

Preparing for Winter Weather

Winter weather will be here before you know it! Watch this video to see how weather-related closing decisions are made.

FCPS’ website is generally the first place to find out about emergency weather closings. Other communication channels will be used as quickly as possible including email, text, social media, and news stations. Learn more about how schedule changes are communicated

Be sure to plan for the winter season. Update your contact information in SIS ParentVUE, bookmark the FCPS website, and arrange for childcare if needed.

Keep Your Child Warm During Outdoor Activities

We will monitor the weather for low temperatures, wind chill advisories and warnings, and weather advisories which may prevent children from being outside. Make sure your child is dressed appropriately with a warm coat and other cold-weather clothing, so they can comfortably enjoy their time outdoors. See the National Weather Service’s tips on staying safe during cold weather.

If you need assistance supplying your child with cold-weather clothing, please call Fairfax County's Coordinated Services Planning at 703-222-0880. Their multilingual staff can assist with any challenges you are facing, including food, shelter, employment, financial assistance, and health care.


 Preparativos para el Invierno

El tiempo de invierno llegará pronto. El tiempo de invierno llegará pronto. Mire este video para ver cómo deciden cuándo hay que cerrar las escuelas debido al clima. 

El sitio web de FCPS es generalmente el primer lugar donde publicaremos cuando haya un cierre de emergencia por el clima. Otros canales de comunicación serán usados lo más pronto posible incluyendo correo electrónico, texto, medios sociales, y estaciones de noticias. Aprenda más sobre cómo se comunican los cambios de horario. 

Asegúrese de planificar para la temporada de invierno. Asegúrese de que su información de contacto esté actualizada en SIS ParentVUE, marque el sitio web de FCPS, y planifique para el cuidado de niños si es apropiado.

Mantenga a Su Hijo Bien Abrigado Durante las Actividades al Aire LibreEstaremos atentos a las bajas temperaturas, los avisos y advertencias de viento helado y los avisos meteorológicos que pueden impedir que los niños estén al aire libre. Sin embargo, asegúrese de que su hijo esté vestido apropiadamente con un abrigo y otra ropa de clima frío para que pueda disfrutar cómodamente de su tiempo al aire libre. El Servicio Meteorológico Nacional ofrece algunos consejos para mantenerse seguro durante el tiempo frío.

Si necesita ayuda para proveer a su hijo de ropa para el clima frío, por favor llame a la Planificación de Servicios Coordinados del Condado de Fairfax al 703-222-0880. El personal multilingüe puede ayudarle con cualquier dificultad que se le presente, como la alimentación, el alojamiento, el empleo, la asistencia financiera, la atención sanitaria y otras necesidades.

Boundary Review


Boundary Review Community Meetings provide a great opportunity for families, staff, and community members to share their thoughts and questions, and learn more about the boundary review process. The schedule of remaining meetings is below:. 

Family and community members are able to attend one or all of the meetings. You may want to attend a meeting in your region, but are free to attend a meeting in another region if that works better for their schedule. 

Visit the Comprehensive Boundary Review webpage to register or view other community meeting dates. Also, sign up to receive our School Boundary Review newsletter

Sensory Disabilities

Services for Hearing-Impaired and Visually-Impaired Students

Students with sensory disabilities require specialized services and support to access instruction that is typically presented visually and auditorily (by means of hearing). FCPS provides educational services to students who are deaf, hearing-impaired, or visually impaired. They are supported in various settings, including at their school or through itinerant specialists who travel to different schools to work with students, rather than being based in a single school. Learn more about Services for Students Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing and Services for Students Who Are Blind or Visually Impaired.

Visit the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) website for Resources for Serving Students with Sensory Disabilities.


Servicios para estudiantes con discapacidad auditiva y visual

Los estudiantes con discapacidades sensoriales requieren servicios especializados y apoyo para acceder a la instrucción típicamente presentada visual y auditivamente. FCPS proporciona servicios educativos a estudiantes con discapacidades auditivas, visuales o auditivas. Ellos reciben apoyo en varios entornos, incluyendo itinerante y basado en el sitio escolar. Obtenga más información sobre estos Servicios para estudiantes sordos o con dificultades auditivas y Servicios para estudiantes ciegos o con discapacidad visual.

El Departamento de Educación de Virginia (VDOE) también proporciona información sobre Recursos para apoyar a los estudiantes con discapacidades sensoriales.

Opportunity to Review Social Studies Basal Resources

FCPS is adopting Social Studies Basal Resources for the 2025-26 school year. Basal resources are the primary materials used to support instruction in a given subject. Part of the process for selecting new resources is a public review of the instructional materials under consideration. Get more information on how to view the materials

All community feedback will be shared with the School Board before they vote to select materials in spring 2025. FCPS adopts basal resources by the process outlined in Regulation 3004.

All are invited to attend the upcoming PTA Meeting that will be held on Wednesday, December 18th at 7:30 p.m. The meeting will be a fully virtual due  to the holiday season.  

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 983 9928 2222

New board members will be introduced, as well as, planning for the spring.

Upcoming Events:


December 18:  Winter Concert 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.

December 23 - January 3:  (Winter Break)

January 20: School Closed (Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s Holiday/Inauguration Day)

January 28: Family Literacy Night 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 pm.

January 28: End of the Quarter

January 29: School Closed (Teacher Workday)

January 30: 2nd Grade Character Assembly    2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.


Local Community Food Resources

The information below is neither sponsored nor endorsed by the Fairfax County School Board, the Superintendent or Woodley Hills.

8718 Old Mount Vernon Road, Alexandria, VA 22309  | Main Office: 703-799-2000
Attendance: 703-799-2020 | Web | Twitter


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Student of the Month


Congratulations to the following students: Samuel Allen (Kindergarten), Cressida Ainoo (Kindergarten), Sophia Cornejo Balderrama (1st grade) , Kinsley Bankhead-George (1st grade), Nana Boameh (4th grade), Russell Diaz Flores (4th grade), Kylian Flores (Kindergarten), Rosalia Fuentes (2nd grade), Ashley Berrera Garcia (2nd grade), Saidy Gimenez (3rd grade), Averie Gross (3rd grade), Eleazer Hancock (3rd), Mateo Medrano Jimenez (2nd grade), Ariah Powers (2nd grade), Genesis Maradiaga Barrientos (3r grade), Ryane Matthews (1st grade), Kiara Cruz Vado (4th grade), Nelson Mercado Reyes (5th grade),  Jordan Biney (5th grade), Dylan Garcia (5th grade), Ellie Wood (6th grade), Miguel Mafua Sao (Pechet), Stephanie Martinez Pinda (1st grade), Janine Sosa-Cruz (6th grade) and Moises Valasquez Oriz (2nd grade) for showing the character trait of caring. They recognized the impact of their words and action on others, as well as, following classroom routines and responding to adult feedback in a positive way.

Literacy Resources for Families

Families are a key to developing literacy.  Children develop listening comprehensive early.  They understand long before they are able to read words in text.  A child's content and background knowledge plays a large part in what they are able to understand when they read. When children comprehend well, it is more likely they will learn from and enjoy reading, because they are able to understand.  Discover fun ways to support your child's reading with Virginia Literacy Partnership (VLP) Family News.


On Tuesday, December 3rd our 6th Graders will take their panoramic pictures and the clubs will be taking pictures as well.

Family Life Education (FLE) Parent Information Night

Students in grades 4-6 participate in Family Life Education (FLE). Students receive instruction in a human growth and development unit and an emotional and social health unit.  For more information about the FCPS Family Life Education program, please see the detailed grade-level program descriptions

You are invited to attend an evening opportunity to preview the Family Life Education media and lessons and to talk with school staff about the program. The meeting will be held on Tuesday, December 3, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. by  Zoom.  Please see the information below to join the meeting.

Meeting ID: 916 7628 4497  

Passcode: 284462

School Success Starts with Good Attendance

Attending school regularly is a habit that leads to school success.  Set the expectation that your child should get to school on time every day.  The habit will carry through elementary, middle, and high school years and into adult life.  Below are some tips that can help your child have to a successful school year.

  • Help your child establish and maintain routines.
  • Ensure that your child gets enough sleep.
  • Send your child to school unless they are sick.
  • Schedule medical appointments outside of school hours.
  • Avoid long trips/vacations when school is in session.
  • Help your child set out clothes and backpacks the night before.
  • Check homework each night.
  • Develop a back-up for getting to school if your child misses the bus or you cannot provide transportation.


Advanced Academic Programs Referral Deadline

Advanced Academic Programs: Full Time Referral Deadline for Grades 2-6

The deadline to submit a referral for AAP Full-Time Services is December 15, 2024. Please submit the referral to your child’s classroom teacher, or to Jessica Stebbins, our Advanced Academic Resource Teacher (AART). Once the referral is submitted, a school committee will prepare a screening file to be submitted on the child’s behalf, and a decision about eligibility for Level 4 services will be made by the county in early spring. Families are notified of this decision in early to mid-April. You can find the referral form, along with the optional parent questionnaire on the Advanced Academic Programs website. You may also request a copy of the referral and parent questionnaire from your child’s classroom teacher. If you have any questions, please contact Jessica Stebbins, our AART at [email protected] or by calling the school at 703-799-2000. 

Programas académicos avanzados: fecha límite de referencia de tiempo completo para los grados 2-6

La fecha límite para enviar una remisión para los servicios de AAP Tiempo Completo es 15 de diciembre de 2024. Envíe la remisión al maestro de su hijo o a Jessica Stebbins, nuestra maestra de recursos académicos avanzados (AART). Una vez que se envía la remisión, un comité escolar preparará un archivo de evaluación que se presentará en nombre del niño, y el condado tomará una decisión sobre la elegibilidad para los servicios de Nivel 4 a principios de la primavera. Las familias son notificadas de esta decisión a principios o mediados de abril. Puede encontrar el formulario de recomendación, junto con el cuestionario opcional para padres en el sitio web de Programas académicos avanzados. También puede solicitar una copia de la referencia y el cuestionario para padres al maestro de la clase de su hijo. Si tiene alguna pregunta, comuníquese con Jessica Stebbins, nuestro AART en [email protected] o llamando a la escuela al 703-799-2000.

Preparing for Winter Weather

Winter weather will be here before you know it! Watch this video to see how weather-related closing decisions are made.

FCPS’ website is generally the first place to find out about emergency weather closings. Other communication channels will be used as quickly as possible including email, text, social media, and news stations. Learn more about how schedule changes are communicated

Be sure to plan for the winter season. Update your contact information in SIS ParentVUE, bookmark the FCPS website, and arrange for childcare if needed.

Keep Your Child Warm During Outdoor Activities

We will monitor the weather for low temperatures, wind chill advisories and warnings, and weather advisories which may prevent children from being outside. Make sure your child is dressed appropriately with a warm coat and other cold-weather clothing, so they can comfortably enjoy their time outdoors. See the National Weather Service’s tips on staying safe during cold weather.

If you need assistance supplying your child with cold-weather clothing, please call Fairfax County's Coordinated Services Planning at 703-222-0880. Their multilingual staff can assist with any challenges you are facing, including food, shelter, employment, financial assistance, and health care.


 Preparativos para el Invierno

El tiempo de invierno llegará pronto. El tiempo de invierno llegará pronto. Mire este video para ver cómo deciden cuándo hay que cerrar las escuelas debido al clima. 

El sitio web de FCPS es generalmente el primer lugar donde publicaremos cuando haya un cierre de emergencia por el clima. Otros canales de comunicación serán usados lo más pronto posible incluyendo correo electrónico, texto, medios sociales, y estaciones de noticias. Aprenda más sobre cómo se comunican los cambios de horario. 

Asegúrese de planificar para la temporada de invierno. Asegúrese de que su información de contacto esté actualizada en SIS ParentVUE, marque el sitio web de FCPS, y planifique para el cuidado de niños si es apropiado.

Mantenga a Su Hijo Bien Abrigado Durante las Actividades al Aire LibreEstaremos atentos a las bajas temperaturas, los avisos y advertencias de viento helado y los avisos meteorológicos que pueden impedir que los niños estén al aire libre. Sin embargo, asegúrese de que su hijo esté vestido apropiadamente con un abrigo y otra ropa de clima frío para que pueda disfrutar cómodamente de su tiempo al aire libre. El Servicio Meteorológico Nacional ofrece algunos consejos para mantenerse seguro durante el tiempo frío.

Si necesita ayuda para proveer a su hijo de ropa para el clima frío, por favor llame a la Planificación de Servicios Coordinados del Condado de Fairfax al 703-222-0880. El personal multilingüe puede ayudarle con cualquier dificultad que se le presente, como la alimentación, el alojamiento, el empleo, la asistencia financiera, la atención sanitaria y otras necesidades.

Social and Emotional Learning Results

Social and Emotional Learning Screener Results Coming Soon

One of the ways FCPS supports the mental wellness of all students is through the Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) Screener. In October, students in grades 3-12 took this screener, which gives information about their skills such as achieving goals, handling emotions, building relationships with adults and peers, and making good choices. 

The screener also helps students evaluate their school community’s efforts to make them feel valued, included, and supported. Screener data is used to create learning, experiences, and environments for students to succeed.

In early December, families will be able to view student SEL Screener results in SIS ParentVUE. For families who do not have an active ParentVUE account, results will be sent by mail.

Learn more about the screener on the Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Screener webpage. For help understanding your child’s results or ideas to support them at home, review the Family Guide or contact us. 

Register for ParentVUELearn how to activate your ParentVUE account, so you can easily access your child’s results and other helpful information.


Los Resultados del Cuestionario de Aprendizaje Social y Emocional Estarán Pronto Disponibles

Una de las maneras en que FCPS apoya el bienestar mental de todos los estudiantes es a través del Cuestionario de Aprendizaje Social y Emocional (SEL). En octubre, estudiantes de los grados 3º a 12º tomaron este cuestionario, que proporciona información acerca de sus habilidades como lograr metas, manejar emociones, construir relaciones con adultos y compañeros, y tomar buenas decisiones. 

El cuestionario también ayuda a los estudiantes a evaluar los esfuerzos de su comunidad escolar para que se sientan valorados, incluidos y apoyados. Los datos del cuestionario se utilizan para crear aprendizaje, experiencias y entornos que permitan a los alumnos alcanzar el éxito.

A principios de diciembre, las familias podrán ver los resultados del Cuestionario SEL en SIS ParentVUE. Para las familias que no tienen una cuenta activa ParentVUE, los resultados serán enviados por correo.

Para más información sobre el examen por favor visite la página web del Cuestionario de Aprendizaje Social-Emocional (SEL). Si necesita ayuda para entender los resultados de su hijo o ideas para apoyarlo en casa, consulte la Guía para Familias o póngase en contacto con la escuela de su hijo.

Registrarse en ParentVUE

Aprenda a activar su cuenta ParentVUE, para que pueda acceder fácilmente a los resultados de su hijo y a otra información útil.

Boundary Review


Boundary Review Community Meetings Start This Month

As a reminder, FCPS has started the process of reviewing school boundaries across the division. The Mount Vernon boundary meeting will be held on Monday, December 9th in the cafeteria at Mount Vernon High School from 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m..


Reuniones Comunitarias sobre la Revisión de Límites Empiezan Este MesComo recordatorio, FCPS ha comenzado el proceso de revisar los límites escolares en toda la división.  

La reunión regional de la escuela Woodley Hills se llevará a cabo el lunes 9 de diciembre en la cafeteria de Mount Vernon High School, de las 6:30 p.m a las 8:00 p.m..

Federal Impact Aid Survey


As a friendly reminder, if you have not completed your Federal Impact Aid Survey, please do so.  All paper forms should be returned by Wednesday, December 4.

Sensory Disabilities

Services for Hearing-Impaired and Visually-Impaired Students

Students with sensory disabilities require specialized services and support to access instruction that is typically presented visually and auditorily (by means of hearing). FCPS provides educational services to students who are deaf, hearing-impaired, or visually impaired. They are supported in various settings, including at their school or through itinerant specialists who travel to different schools to work with students, rather than being based in a single school. Learn more about Services for Students Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing and Services for Students Who Are Blind or Visually Impaired.

Visit the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) website for Resources for Serving Students with Sensory Disabilities.


Servicios para estudiantes con discapacidad auditiva y visual

Los estudiantes con discapacidades sensoriales requieren servicios especializados y apoyo para acceder a la instrucción típicamente presentada visual y auditivamente. FCPS proporciona servicios educativos a estudiantes con discapacidades auditivas, visuales o auditivas. Ellos reciben apoyo en varios entornos, incluyendo itinerante y basado en el sitio escolar. Obtenga más información sobre estos Servicios para estudiantes sordos o con dificultades auditivas y Servicios para estudiantes ciegos o con discapacidad visual.

El Departamento de Educación de Virginia (VDOE) también proporciona información sobre Recursos para apoyar a los estudiantes con discapacidades sensoriales.

Tutoring Resources

Tutoring Resources for Families

Is your family looking for resources to help support your child’s academic success? FCPS’ Family Resource Center (FRC) maintains a list of district employees who hold a valid Virginia teaching credential and who are available to be hired as a tutor by parents. FRC maintains this list, but families are responsible for contacting and working directly with tutors. This list is not “approved” by FCPS and is only meant as a resource.

FCPS also partners with Varsity Tutors to provide students and families with extra resources for learning. Every student can take advantage of Varsity Tutors' services at no cost, including weekly live online classes, on demand 24/7 chat tutoring, essay editing, study resources such as recorded content, practice problems, and diagnostic tests.

FCPS’ 2023-30 Strategic Plan Goal 3: Academic Growth and Excellence, reminds us of our commitment to supporting each and every student and helping them meet or exceed high academic standards.


Recursos de tutoría para familias

Algunas familias pueden estar buscando recursos adicionales para ayudar a apoyar el éxito académico de sus hijos. El Centro de Recursos Familiares mantiene una lista de empleados de FCPS que poseen una credencial válida de enseñanza de Virginia y que están disponibles para ser contratados por los padres como tutores. Esta lista es un recurso ofrecido por el FRC, pero las familias son responsables de contactar y trabajar directamente con los tutores. Esta lista no está «aprobada» por FCPS y es sólo un recurso para las familias.

FCPS también se asocia con Varsity Tutors para proporcionar a los estudiantes y las familias con recursos adicionales para el aprendizaje. Cada estudiante puede aprovechar los servicios de Varsity Tutors, sin costo alguno, incluyendo clases semanales en línea en vivo, tutoría por chat 24/7 a pedido, edición de ensayos, recursos de estudio como contenido grabado, problemas de práctica y pruebas de diagnóstico.

✨ El Objetivo 3 del Plan Estratégico 2023-30 de FCPS: Crecimiento y Excelencia Académica, nos recuerda nuestro compromiso de apoyar a todos y cada uno de los estudiantes y ayudarlos a alcanzar o superar altos estándares académicos.

Opportunity to Review Social Studies Basal Resources

FCPS is adopting Social Studies Basal Resources for the 2025-26 school year. Basal resources are the primary materials used to support instruction in a given subject. Part of the process for selecting new resources is a public review of the instructional materials under consideration. Get more information on how to view the materials

All community feedback will be shared with the School Board before they vote to select materials in spring 2025. FCPS adopts basal resources by the process outlined in Regulation 3004.

If you haven't already, please join and support the Woodley Hills PTA.  The PTA focus on supporting the needs of our students and staff, as well as,  bringing families in our community together.  You can join by using the link provided.  Link:

Upcoming Events:


December 8 -  Bodhi Day (Religious and Cultural Observance)

December 10 - Family Science Night

December 18 - Winter Concert 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.

December 23 - January 3 (Winter Break)


8718 Old Mount Vernon Road, Alexandria, VA 22309  | Main Office: 703-799-2000
Attendance: 703-799-2020 | Web | Twitter

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